Sunday, October 26, 2014

Alhamdulillah, am engaged to Rino Yudiargo


Every story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite of all.
Our story started when we met 6 years ago. We met through our moms, you started the first move but I didn't get your signal. I broke your heart once. It didn't take long until I realize you always fought for me, love and protect me. Five years a go we decided to share our story, loving each other. Today. We stepped in to a new beginning. You asked me to marry you on the day in turned in to 24.  We finally engaged, you gave me this wonderful birthday gifts.
If only I born as a poet, I would have wrote you thousands poems. I adore you, I admire you, I want you to lead me the way to what so called happiness. I'm longing for your love and affections, so does you.
Today you came with your family, asked me to marry you. How would I say no? You are the one who always loves me.
Today, we both know that the road ahead might not easy. We both know that someday we will hit the rock bottom. However we both know that we'll still standing side by side, protecting our love. I love you, and you love me even more.

This is the story of us being together, being engaged.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah...
We beg for your generosity, let us be together as husband and wife. To give our devotion to You and to each other.


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