Sunday, October 26, 2014

Alhamdulillah, am engaged to Rino Yudiargo


Every story is beautiful, but ours is my favorite of all.
Our story started when we met 6 years ago. We met through our moms, you started the first move but I didn't get your signal. I broke your heart once. It didn't take long until I realize you always fought for me, love and protect me. Five years a go we decided to share our story, loving each other. Today. We stepped in to a new beginning. You asked me to marry you on the day in turned in to 24.  We finally engaged, you gave me this wonderful birthday gifts.
If only I born as a poet, I would have wrote you thousands poems. I adore you, I admire you, I want you to lead me the way to what so called happiness. I'm longing for your love and affections, so does you.
Today you came with your family, asked me to marry you. How would I say no? You are the one who always loves me.
Today, we both know that the road ahead might not easy. We both know that someday we will hit the rock bottom. However we both know that we'll still standing side by side, protecting our love. I love you, and you love me even more.

This is the story of us being together, being engaged.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah...
We beg for your generosity, let us be together as husband and wife. To give our devotion to You and to each other.


Monday, October 20, 2014

The Hunt: Vendor Pembuat Cincin Kawin Capeng Pria

Dari bulan Januari 2014 kita udah dapet cincin kawin untuk gue aja. Kemudian pas lagi jalan-jalan di blok M plaza kita putuskan beli cincin dari stainless steel di toko d'paris. Asumsinya karna kan Rino ngga boleh pakai cincin yg terbuat dari emas. Sebenernya Sekarang lagi musim sih cincin kawin pria dari palladium, tapi book it's way too expensive. Harganya kaya harga cincin Mas, tapi ngga bisa dijual lagi. So, we thought it's okay to have a totally different wedding ring.
Mine was yellowish yet vintage ring, his was more like silverish with a Lil touch of gold in the middle and his ring was way more modern than mine.

My wedding Ring

Cincin kawin gue yang di beli di pasar baru tangerang
Cincin kawin stainless steel yang awalnya buat Rino
Betapa ngga nyambungnya kan itu dua cincin kalo mau dijadiin cincin kawin pasangan hahaha...
Menjelang acara lamaran, gue iseng iseng browsing nyari vendor untuk bikin atau pesen cincin kawin buat laki-laki dan ternyataaaa... Nemu website ini
Toko ini ternyata memang workshopnya di daerah Depok. Agak riskan aja gitu ya kalo pesen cincin kawin online tanpa ketemu langsung sama yang bikin. Akhirnya kita putuskan hari Sabtu tanggal 18 Oktober untuk ke Depok, ketemu dan janjian dengan yang punya, namanya mas Viery. Gue sebelumnya iseng tanya-tanya ke Mas Viery lewat BBM, dan ternyata si Mas Viery ini ownernya, orangnya baik banget dan helpful.
Hari Sabtu pagi jam 10-an kita berangkat ke workshopnya, pas ketemu, workshopnya emang ngga terlalu besar, karna emang mereka biasanya terima order online.

Setelah konsultasi dan tanya-tanya, akhirnya kita sepakat buat pesen cincin perak dengan model sama persis kaya cincin gue, cuma untuk Rino ngga pake mata / diamond. Dan bahagianya, meskipun cincinnya terbuat dari perak, tapi bisa minta diwarnain emas, supaya sama kaya punya gue. Setelah deal harga (yang surprisingly dikasih harga murah banget), Rino diminta buat coba ukuran cincinnya pake sejenis dummy cincin gitu.

Karna model cincin yang kita mau tergolong simple banget, si Mas Viery mau ngasih harga Rp. 275,000,- aja loh, itu udah include semua-muanya, boleh ukir nama (kalo mau, tapi kita ngga mau hehehe) dan udah dapet box cincin juga. Overall pelayanannya sih memuaskan banget, mudah-mudahan hasilnya juga bagus nanti. I'll post later when the ring done.
Nah yang mau contact si Mas Viery atau Viery jewelry ini bisa add pin BB 297497F4 atau nomor HP nya 085281188163.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10 days to go to our lamaran

Postingan gw sebelumnya menceritakan soal Rino Yudiargo yang secara mengejutkan melamar gue. Nah Sekarang gue mau cerita dikit soal proses lamaran yang insya Allah akan kita laksanakan tanggal 26 Oktober 2014.
Eits, tanggal 12 baru dilamar, kok tanggal 26 udah mau lamaran aja? Sebenernya kita dari bulan januari udah rencanain lamaran bulan juni, eh tapi karna restu belum turun, akhirnya kita putus kan buat bersabar dan gue juga agak2 lupa gimana ceritanya sampe kita akhirnya bisa set the date. Yang jelas perjuangannya gilaaaaa gilaaaa kalo air mata gue dikumpulin, mungkin bakalan segede danau cipondoh heehehhee.
Well anyway, we actually planned the engagement on 25th October. Tapi badai kembali datang pas kakak iparnya Rino tanggal segitu masih masuk kerja. Dia kasih alternatif tanggal 1 November. Ya menurut lo aja, tanggal 31 (jumat) oktober kantor gw closing sales dan pasti bakalan pulangalem sampe jam 9an. Ya kali paginya tau2 gue nongol di Pandeglang buat lamaran. Gw kecewa banget rasanya. Tanggal 26 oktober pun sebenernya berat buat gw. Karna itu hari minggu, which mean I have to get back to Bintaro karna seninnya kan gw masuk. Pilihannya kalo mau lamaran tanggal 26, ya gw balik ke Bintaro malem, atau berangkat nyubuh pas hari senin. Maygaaaaat semua pilihannya pait buat gw. Gw sempet bilang, yaudah kalo kakak iparnya berhalangan, ya ga usah ikut jg gapapa. Toh adik kandung gw aja yg di Jawa ngga ikut. Dari pada mesti ngorbanin gw kan ya. Tapi Si rino tetep insist doong itu Si kakak iparnya mesti banget ada. Akhirnya gw marah besar sama dia. Kesel banget rasanya, egois banget, ngga mikirin gue. Akhirnya gue lah yang ngalah.l, dan akhirnya gw terima lah itu tanggal 26 Oktober. Meakipun jujur sampe detik ini gue ga tau nanti balik ke bintaronya gimana. Rasanya beraaat banget ya, restu udah di tangan, tinggal gimana nyiapin acara nikahan ini, yang kayanya akan ada drama drama berikutnya.
Oke next mungkin gue akan share soal dress lamaran yang udah jadi dan cincin lamaran :)

In the next 10 days I'll be officially engaged. And maybe I'll turn this blog into wed-prep blog for a while. My wedding it self will take place in Pandeglang. there's no wed-prep blog around pandeglang, serang. So I hope this might help :)

Sunday, October 12, 2014

It's real and it's a yes

12 October 2014
Rino Yudiargo, the man of my life, surprisingly proposed me.
Setelah makan malem, kita putus kan untuk ke Bintaro Exchange, ke ATM terus lanjut ngobrol di outdoor park sambil dengerin live acoustic.
Ngobrol mulai dari soal kerjaan sampai pernikahan. Tapi pas Si penyanyinya mulai perform lagu Extreme - More than words. Kita berdua ngga sengaja langsung berhenti ngomong dan mulai nyanyi bareng. Then after the song ended, he pulled out a ring, bend on his knee and said it. It took me several seconds to processed what he was doing. When I realized I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop smiling. And of course it's a yes. A thousand yes. For you it will always be a yes, my dear.
I love you, always have and always will.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Counting Love

Lately i'm in love with a new korean drama called Discovery of Love. It's very romantic, the problems are a bit close to the reality. The thing about it that keeps popping in my head is, how the female lead actress has experienced being the person that love her partner more, but in the new relationship she had, somehow she became the one who receive more love from her new boyfriend. So in her case, her experience of giving more love was painful, but her new relationship put her as the one who always receives more love.
Those thing tickles me as it actually happened on me. I had only one relationship before, it lasted less than a year, but I was the one who love him more than he love me. And we broke up as I found out that all that time he was actually fell in love with someone else. That was quite painful.
Now, the relationship I have with this man that soon to be my husband, I always feel and indeed he also told me that between us, he loves me more than I do. From the moment he fell in love with me, got rejected but he kept trying and until now. Don't get me wrong, I do love him, I madly in love with him. But in times like we had arguments, he let me win to avoid any "let's break up". That's how much he love me, I can't deny that I couldn't do the same like he always do to me. But I'm willing to try, I'm willing to do what it takes to make our love equal.


The road to marriage is never easy

This is real, this is really happening.
I used to see my friends and neighbors getting married at such a young age. My college mate was not even graduated yet when he decided to married the girl of his life.
My parents indeed married at the same age when me and Rino started dating. So, I thought the road to marriage would not be difficult as long as you've found the right person, the person that knows you better than you do, the person who knows how to handle you. But the thing is, it's NEVER easy.
The moment we decided to tell our parents and family about our decision, that's the moment when well, you can say the thunder strikes.
Last January I posted about getting my wedding ring, vendor survey etc. We were very excited that we forgot things might go wrong.
There were moments when we thought we had hopes, we prayed with all of our heart nights and days. But there were also times when we bursts into tears and we feel like enough is enough. Yes, me and the love of my life gave up not once, not twice but more than that. I can't deny that I used to hate peoples, and asking why it was difficult for me to get married, to get permission. But eventually every time we decided to gave up, we ended up love each other even deeper. The picture of us not being together is just very terrifying. I can't stand being away from him and he can't survive without my affections.
As we passed every ups and downs, we started to be wiser and mature. There is indeed a reason why the road to marriage is never easy, maybe that's how God trying to give us an intensive training before we step into a new world, a world that 10 times harder than we endured now.
I believe people have different difficulties when it comes to the road of marriage. Some people are difficult to find the one, some struggling with financial, some about religions etc. As for me now, it may be very difficult, but thats what make our bond even stronger.

Happy struggling for your love, mates :)
