Saturday, August 18, 2012

Working Outfit inspiration

I'm craving for new fashionable yet syar'i working outfits since I am officially a job seeker now :p
Here are some photos I took from several sites, including, forever 21 and stuffs.

Mango suede peeptoe shoes - Forever 21 black trouser pants

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

monthversary gift

My htb and I are lately doing somekind of long distance relationship. Well it's not very far actually, but still we couldn't see each other face everyday like we used to. So this monthversary he sent me a gift via BBM (again) that melts my heart right away. A few days earlier we fought, so it feels like some sort of redemption he made for me hehehe.
Check this out:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What you feel only matters to you. It's what you do to the people you say you love, that's what matters. It's the only thing that counts - The Last Kiss

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

April 27th

My boyfriend, which this term I'll start to call him my htb *blushing* was in his 22nd birthday on April 27th. I didn't prepare such a surprise, since he doesn't like it, besides I was extremely busy and quite frustrated because of my thesis thingy. He's a type of guy who doesn't like a "typical teenage" surprise, e.g I started stop talking with him several hours before his birthday or making him angry at his birthday.
Those kind of surprise treatment is kinda lame, and somehow he'll notice if I prepared something for him. Yes, he'll definitely noticed, since we do everything together, I repeat, together :p.

A couple years ago, me and our best friend were making a plan for his birthday. We've schemed to meet up somewhere but I won't show up and he'll get angry and then he'll went back home, but voila we showed up at his home and singing birthday song. But those plan turned out a disaster. He got angry and I made several mistakes during that day. We didn't speak for about 3 days, and finally he revealed why he didn't like my birthday surprise. It was quite embarrassing, but since then I knew he's a typical guy who love to spend his birthday together with me, just the two of us. 

Disaster year-birthday cake

The next year, I didn't have any typical surprises, so I just made a birthday pudding for him, and I started to call him several minutes before his birthday and had a long chit chat.

This year is quite busy year, since we both are preparing our thesis project. So, since I noticed he need a new jacket, I bought it. The cake also this year I couldn't make it by my self  :(. That day I called him in the middle of the night to have a birthday chitchat. Alhamdulillah he love my super simple present :)
Meet the birthday boy!

Happy birthday my htb, may Allah bless every step you take, graduated this year, get a job, make your parent happy, and then marry me soon, hehehe.
I love you, mucho muchooooooooo

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Love at first sight

I've been looking for a flat shoes to support my mobile activities at campus.  Yes, I'm not a fashionista, my fashion rule is "To be as simple as you are". Saya tipe orang yang nggak terlalu suka mengikuti trend fashion yang sedang nge-hip. Saya cenderung menganut paham netral dan acceptable, contohnya ketika lagi ngehip banget hoodie untuk para hijabers (yang menurut saya aneh banget bentuknya kalo diliat dari belakang), saya tetap lebih memilih comfortable blouse. Begitu pula untuk masalah sepatu, I keep it simple and neutral. Kadang susah banget mencari sepatu yang cocok banget, kalaupun ada yang cocok banget harganya nggak bersahabat atau yang paling sering banget adalah size saya nggak ada. Nah, berhubung di dunia nyata susah banget yaa dapetin sepatu impian, these are my wish list shoes yang didapat dari hasil iseng-iseng googling, it was a love at first sight,

Knitted Converse (Limited Edition)

Charles and Keith

Marrie Claire

Some of them are not the latest collection, but still I'm in love with them. It will be great if I can have all of them :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thank You RY

I was very upset about my thesis. My research results turns out of my expectation and what upsetting me was I couldn't understand why that happened. I downloaded a lot of journals on regarding to my research. Still, I couldn't determine what's happening. I was about to cry, but suddenly my man, Yudiargo sent this very sweet picture trough BBM.

That lil thing made me cry. I know he's been trough such a hardship too. Even his research hasn't done yet. Well, mine is better because I'm a lil bit closer to the conclusion. Therefore, I shouldn't complain much about how hard my thesis is, because he's been trough worse than me. Alhamdulillah I have you by my side who always support me whenever I feel like I'm about to sink. I love you RY, I really do :)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Outcast Date

We had an outcast date on January 14th 2010.
Seharian muter-muter, TIM, Monas, Kota Tua and stuffs. It was fun, kayanya harus sering-sering lagi nih kita jalan-jalan selain ke Mall.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I do blogging now!

I decided to have a blog in the middle of my hectic days doing my thesis thingy. Well I actually did blogging before. I've had micro blogging on twitter but it's kinda too short for me. And then I've had Tumblr account, but I don't really like the way it works (or maybe me being too lame :p hehehe).
 My soon-to-be-husband has made a blog way earlier before me. He actually intended to make it a secret, but I accidentally found his blog :) And he talked a lot about me. I was just thinking, why wouldn't I do the same? Since he already noticed my Tumblr account, I intended to write a new blog, and I will tell him later, at the right moment.
About the title, well I have no idea yet about the title. I'm about to named my blog just like my thesis title :p hahaha. Well then I decided to named it exactly the same as my tumblr title. Later on if I have any good idea, I'll named it better. Sanguine, is me being sanguine. I talk a lot and no body denied it. I feel like to write and talk a lot of words in order to emphasizes my point of view. Ewwr sometimes it works but, mostly it does not works haahaha.

Lots of love,