Saturday, October 5, 2013

A Physicist in disguise: I feel like alive

It's been a very long time since I posted in this blog.
Yeaaah, I admit I was quite lazy yet too busy with my real life. Is it?
However, things a running quite different since the last time I wrote. The last time I wrote was about me struggling towards my thesis. And of course with a lil bit lot of drama, Alhamdulillah I passed it with A- (boleh dong ah sombong dikit :p). My thesis got A, tapi karena nilai sidang komprehensif gue yang agak sedikit kurang memuaskan, dan nilainya digabung dengan sidang skripsi, jadi nilai akhirnya A-.

And just a lil catch up, this physics graduate is now enjoying her second job as research executive. I only stayed for 2 months at my first company. I'm not really proud with my decision, but I wasn't happy either working there. So I resigned and struggled a lot to define my next carrier until one of my best friend in collage, Anggun recommended me to join her. I applied and got accepted. My second company is similar to my former one, but this time the owner is Indonesian. Alhamdulillah I enjoy so much being here. The people are nice and friendly, it's like my own circle, unlike my previous workplace.

Now while enjoying my job, I also looking for a magistrate scholarship. I wanna be a lecturer, a physics lecturer to be exact. I have a very strong desire to continue next year. And a little sneak peak, next year is a very big year for me, besides school, we (my bf and I) planned to get married *blushing*. Well, it's not like he has proposed me or something, we're just having a same thought about getting married soon. He hasn't tell his family yet, we're still "drafting" our dream just the two of us. I just wish that this love that grows bigger everyday, will soon to be count as "ibadah" for Allah.
Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim may Allah SWT bless every step we take.


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